The Importance of a Website for Small Businesses

December 1, 2023 By benitaallen

A website not only helps small businesses promote and sell their products and services, but it also allows them to distinguish themselves from their competitors, especially for customers who rely heavily on the Internet to learn everything about a company.  This makes a website one of the most important business assets for sharing information, building credibility and standing out in crowded marketplaces.

Seventy-one percent of businesses now have a website in 2023.  This is an increase from previous years, and can largely be attributed to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.  With the shift to online commerce and remote work, companies have realized the importance of having an online presence in order to reach a wider audience and remain competitive in today’s digital landscape.  The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of businesses establishing a web presence, and it is likely that this trend will continue into the future.